Albany Rifle and Pistol Club
Shotgun    Trap, Jr. Trap
Schedule & Cost

Check the ARPC Calendar

For questions please contact the discipline director.


Trapshooting competition takes three forms:

  • Singles - In singles shooting, contestants fire from a series of five stations located 16 yd behind the trap. At a signal from the contestant, the clay target is hurled forward into the air, away from the firing line. In order to simulate the unpredictable flight patterns of birds taking wing, the targets are sprung out of the trap at various angles and in various directions. The clay pigeons rise to a minimum height of about 10 ft (about 3 m) and, unless hit, fall to the ground about 150 ft (about 45 m) from the trap. Champions often hit 100 out of 100 targets.
  • Handicap - In handicap trapshooting, contestants possessing superior records must shoot from stations located 17 to 27 yd (15.54 to 24.68 m) behind the trap. The added distance, or handicap, enables trapshooters of only average ability to compete on equal terms with experts.
  • Double-target shooting - In double-target shooting, the trap springs two clay pigeons into the air simultaneously in different directions.
In all three the targets are hurled from one trap.

ARPC Trap Discipline Director
Chip Cover
(541) 990-3321
Jr. Trap
Dave Imel
(541) 926-3716