For questions please contact the discipline director.
Welcome to the "Hottest Game" around, SASS Wild Bunch Action Shooting! Undeniably, Wild Bunch Action Shooting shares similarities to SASS Cowboy Action Shooting. However, there are some notable differences. The sport uses 1911 Pistols in .45 acp, Lever Action Rifles chambered for pistol caliber of .40 and above, and model 1897 12ga. Pump Shotguns.
Sanctioned matches are designed specifically to provide stage scenarios which incorporate down range as well as lateral movement, more pistol and shotgun rounds fired per stage and a variety of reactive targets such as plate racks, dueling trees, moving targets and rifle/pistol knowckdown targets as well.
WBAS is a dynamic, fun, fast paced action shooting sport designed for the shooter. We will wager that once you shoot your first Wild Bunch stage, you will be just as enthusiastic about participating in this new sport as we are!
The Single Action Shooting Society is an international organization created to preserve and promote the sport of Cowboy Action Shooting™. SASS endorses regional matches conducted by affiliated clubs, stages END of TRAIL, The World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting, promulgates rules and procedures to ensure safety and consistency in Cowboy Action Shooting matches, and seeks to protect its members' 2nd Amendment rights. SASS members share a common interest in preserving the history of the Old West and competitive shooting.